If you talk to many people, you will realize that lots of them have a tough time getting rid of the extra fat that they have on their bodies. They may even be unsure why they cannot get the body that they want. The truth is, this is a very normal problem to have. Lots of people deal with this on a daily basis. So what do many of these people have in common? The answer may surprise you. It is pain.
You see, if you are hurting, whether it is a small discomfort or a more intense ache, you are not going to be motivated to exercise consistently in such a way that it will change your body and allow you to get the results that you desire. But we can examine it further and see that pain can ultimately keep you from burning off the fat that you want to get rid of and it may keep you from having healthy and strong muscles.
How does pain keep you from losing fat and becoming muscular? It is not very difficult to understand: if you are hurting, you cannot work out at the intensity that you need to in order to burn calories in the amount needed to really get the fat off your body. It really has to do with math you see. If you take in more calories than you burn, you will not lose fat. And just taking a walk is not going to help much, at least after about three to four weeks of it.
It makes sense when you think about it. Do you know many fit people who only walk for their exercise routine? Not likely. It just takes more exertion than that to really become fit and healthy. Also, if you stop to consider how many calories most people eat these days, a simple walk just is not going to be enough.
But pain will keep you from establishing good muscle mass as well. If you are hurting, you are probably going to avoid the heavier weights that actually make a difference in your muscle tone. Just using light weights will not help for very long.
What is the answer to this problem? Training consistently and gradually demanding more from your body. You need to find someone who can show you the exercises you need to do to slowly build up more strength and get past the pain, so that you can finally achieve the body that you desire.
You see, if you are hurting, whether it is a small discomfort or a more intense ache, you are not going to be motivated to exercise consistently in such a way that it will change your body and allow you to get the results that you desire. But we can examine it further and see that pain can ultimately keep you from burning off the fat that you want to get rid of and it may keep you from having healthy and strong muscles.
How does pain keep you from losing fat and becoming muscular? It is not very difficult to understand: if you are hurting, you cannot work out at the intensity that you need to in order to burn calories in the amount needed to really get the fat off your body. It really has to do with math you see. If you take in more calories than you burn, you will not lose fat. And just taking a walk is not going to help much, at least after about three to four weeks of it.
It makes sense when you think about it. Do you know many fit people who only walk for their exercise routine? Not likely. It just takes more exertion than that to really become fit and healthy. Also, if you stop to consider how many calories most people eat these days, a simple walk just is not going to be enough.
But pain will keep you from establishing good muscle mass as well. If you are hurting, you are probably going to avoid the heavier weights that actually make a difference in your muscle tone. Just using light weights will not help for very long.
What is the answer to this problem? Training consistently and gradually demanding more from your body. You need to find someone who can show you the exercises you need to do to slowly build up more strength and get past the pain, so that you can finally achieve the body that you desire.
About the Author:
Tired of not meeting your weight loss goals? Vito La Fata is a fitness expert who can teach you how to stop gaining weight. Visit Fitness Evolution for more information on personal fitness.
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