How To Kick Start Weight Loss

By Howe Russ

If you have hit a wall with your fat loss progress, today's article is designed to teach you a couple of basic yet proven facts. When it comes to figuring out how to lose weight these steps have been proven to yield results time and time again in the gym so if you're looking for a way to reach the next level you will enjoy today's post.

The steps we bring you today simply work. They are proven and they will not cost you a thing. In a world where every man and his dog only seems to want to sell so-called miracle products or push certain supplements at people to make a commission, we know you will enjoy today's article as it will never cost you a penny.

When trying to get rid of unwanted body fat, there's a couple of really easy to follow steps which will help you get there faster. They are even easier than you probably think right now.

The First Rule - Utilize Snack Tubs.

The Second Rule - Days Off Work.

The majority of people who find it hard to stick to a diet tell us that their biggest vice is snacking on junk food. Usually this happens when they are at work. This makes sense. Half way through a long shift at your job, with work piling up and stress levels climbing higher it is easy to give in to the temptation of the vending machine staring at you from across the break room. We get it.

It's stocked with unhealthy foods. Believe it or not, your body doesn't actually crave that chocolate or those crisps as much as you think. You long for the quick fix satisfaction you associate with it, that's all.

The nutritional facts of any of the foods in that vending machine are terrible, so your body is absolutely not longing for that type of food, believe us on that. It's you. It's more of a comfort thing than a hunger thing. You associate it with feeling happy, and you know it.

By packing a few small snack tubs into your satchel each morning, each filled with a small protein rich meal, you enable your body to completely bypass any tendency to long for junk food. The protein will also have a smaller impact on your body cell's fat storage.

By simply giving yourself a ready made alternative you will find out how serious about your fat loss regime you really are. For most people it kills temptation immediately.

Our second tip is about taking days off from your new healthy eating regime. Whether you want to or not, it's great for your body and your mental state to take a day off every week or two and allow yourself to eat whatever you want. This is proven to actually increase fat loss results.

Most people how try to lose fat go too hard too fast. They cut out their favorite foods and think they need to live off 'rabbit food' to get slimmer. This is nonsense, and a sure fire way to fall off your plan very fast.

Give yourself a break. In fact, I mean that literally. Give yourself a twenty four hour break every week.

Sure you might consume more calories on this day than the rest of the week but you cannot do very much damage here unless you deliberately go crazy. Remember, there is a difference between a cheat day and Christmas day. In fact, enjoying your favorite snacks or junk foods on one day per week or one day every two weeks actually turns out to be a good thing for your fat loss goals because you will find you can stick to your healthy lifestyle for far longer than you have ever done before.

Simply drag and drop these two simple rules into your current diet and you will see results. So many people ask us how to lose weight in the gym and they expect an over complicated answer, but sometimes the simple solutions is all you need.

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