What Are These Bumps on My Johnson?

By Rodney Durrant

There are a number of myths and misconceptions regarding Pearly Penile Papules. These are the minute protrusions that occur along the 'ridge' of the penis. This is the area between the topmost (head) part of the penis and the lower part (shaft) of the penis. The Pearly Penile Papules appear in neat rows which can number two or three. Some people have exclaimed at their beauty while some have mourned their presence. The fact that they appear among twenty five percent of adults and a substantial number of young male have served to fuel a number of myths and misconceptions.

Pearly Penile Papules are found mostly among younger and in many cases uncircumcised male. A large percentage of male, twenty five, have Pearly Penile Papules. The Pearly Penile Papules are quite harmless. Indeed some people have associated them to increased sexual pleasure among people. On the negative side they have been looked at as sexually transmitted infections. In some parts of Africa they have been described as evidence of sexual infidelity among unmarried young men.

Another common myth and misconception is that Pearly Penile Papules are sexually transmitted infection. In this case Pearly Penile Papules are confused with genital warts. The problem with this wrong diagnosis is that it, most likely, leads to wrong solution to the Pearly Penile Papules. Many people are more likely, due to stigma associated with sexually transmitted infections, seek home solutions. With the wide access to the internet, such a person will be spoilt for choice of home made solutions available.

Electrosurgery is a bit more elaborate and, even so, it takes less than an hour to perform. Both these are minor procedures that do not require hospitalization, unless a complication occurs, in which case the dermatologist will be handy to assist.

Another common misconception is that Pearly Penile Papules are a form of infertility. Many men who are not married would be scared to imagine of such an issue in their life.

Twenty five out of every one hundred adults have the Pearly Penile Papules. Due to this high prevalence there are some believes, mostly in form of myths that pervade concerning Pearly Penile Papules. In some cases, they have been confused with the more serious problem of genital warts. The problem with this confusion has been that it lends itself to wrong and unnecessary medications. A person may, for instance, log in to internet looking for home remedies for the problem of genital warts in the false believe that he is suffering from the same. The result, as you can guess, is a possibly correct prescription for the wrong diagnosis.

The best way to avoid falling prey to the various myths and misconceptions about Pearly Penile Papules is to seek knowledge from qualified dermatologist. Indeed most dermatologists will not recommend any medical procedure, unless the person suffers from some form of discomfort. In fact most people who end up choosing to get rid of Pearly Penile Papules do so to achieve aesthetic appeal than for other reason(s). Better safe than sorry.

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