What is a healthy body?

By Riley Serios

Take it or leave it but the definition of a healthy body depends on who you talk to, the media's definition of a healthy body is the one most people associate with; for women it's slender, flat-bellied, and leggy while still being hourglass shaped- think Barbie. Men on the other hand are to be sculpted through the arms, with broad shoulders and chiseled abs with the perfect V-shaped torso.

There is no one on the planet who does not succumb to the bombardment of TV commercials, billboards, magazines, and movies where advertisers are telling us the way we should look, and has warped our perceptions of looking good verses feeling good, and being healthy.

Unfortunately many women and men are turning to cosmetic surgery for a quick fix only to find that the results do not last, why, because if you don't change the behavior you can't really change the outcome.

While Barbie doesn't represent a healthy body image, our society does reward those more attractive, from getting a job or being promoted to being picked for a team in gym class to finding romantic partners. So what happens to a person who does not fit into the "ideal" body image? People suffer from poor body image which can lead to depression which sadly leads to weight gain. "If you're overly self-critical and self-doubting you will only exacerbate your efforts to lose weight and get in shape," states Carlie, a medical physician from Florida.

Talk with someone you admire and find out how they have obtained success, write in a journal, and or join a club where everyone in the class is trying to achieve the same healthy goals as you are. When you work along side someone they can help you see your positive sides, this is especially needed when you first start out because if you can't get beyond your flaws you will never have the motivation to get going.

At the beginning it is especially important to take note of all your successes big or small, by being mindful of each personal victory even if it's just eating one healthy thing a day, by doing this it will give you the confidence to choose healthy again and again until it becomes a healthy habit that you enjoy. The same goes for getting exercise, when you see that you really can make it to the gym and get your heart rate up for a bit then your body and mind recognizes the energy you put forth and will reward you with more energy.

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