The Key To Losing Weight Fast And Keeping It Off

By Russ Howe-Pti

As a Fitness Instructor, I am asked at least five times per day how to lose weight fast and keep it off. When it comes to losing fat there are three very easy to follow rules which will multiply your results in no time at all and today I'll share them with you.

The fact is too many people get lost when it comes to their diet plan, they get sold ridiculous celebrity fad diets and never seem to get anywhere despite their hardest efforts.

Combine our three proven facts with your existing eating plan and you will experience a noticeable change and not just a difference in your overall weight but also your body composition. If you are exercising as well, get ready for maximum results. Let's get going.

Fact Number One: It's Important To Utilize A Calorie Deficit.

A calorie deficit sounds more complicated than it actually is. For the next five days record everything you eat in a little food journal and write down your average daily calorie total. In order to get fat loss results you simply need to operate at a lower level of calories per day.

If you want steady fat loss the key is to lower your daily calorie total steadily, too. Don't suddenly half your calories or your body will enter starvation mode and will hang onto as much fat as it can. You have probably seen that happen to a friend on a celebrity quick fix diet.

Once you have worked out your current daily total and have set a target daily total, if there is a big difference try to drop your target by around 10% each week until you reach your goal. This steady decline will be far more advantageous than a sudden big jump.

The Second Rule: Up Your Protein.

If you cut down your carbohydrates as part of your diet you must also increase your protein intake or your body will begin simply burning muscle, not fat. If you're making the effort to get to the gym and put in a good workout you want to ensure your body is burning the stuff you actually want to lose, right? This is achieved by simply upping your daily protein intake whenever you reduce carbohydrates.

Fact Number Three: Snacking On Protein Reduces Fat Considerably.

Snacking is the biggest temptation when trying to lose weight and the solution is to use protein rich foods. Not only is this better for your body than sugary, fatty food but it is also proven to have a massively reduced level of fat storage within your body.

Whether it's a protein shake, chicken, turkey or anything else, the fact remains is will help your fat loss goal exceptionally.

Try putting these three very easy to follow points into your diet routine today and, mark my words, you will see significant results if you are looking at how to lose weight fast or how to burn body fat more effectively. When you build your best diet plan these rules will be the staples of it.

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