Best Abs Workouts - Fast Progress Using Exercises That Work

By Austin Kieck

Abs workouts are something people are very eager to do, as this is a body part everyone wants to work on. Almost everybody is anxious to have great looking abs, which is why there are so many diets and workouts dedicated to this area. You can't get great abs by studying all of the conflicting information, though, so you also have to focus on doing some proven exercises. The abs workouts we'll be discussing in this article are efficient and powerful, so they can be a good foundation to start from.

Are you trying to lose weight or bulk up? Do you prefer workout out at home or at a fitness center? This article will show you many ways to exercise your entire body, yet also help you build your abdominal muscles at the same time.

In order to lose fat and build muscle, it's best to do both aerobic and strength training exercises. It is possible to do this if you use Kettlebells regularly. If you've never used kettlebells, you may want to buy a set and watch some videos that demonstrate how to use them. Going to a fitness center with a class on kettlebells might also be helpful in figuring out what to do. It is recommended that you start with very light weights when doing kettlebells workouts. This will make this exercise is safe as possible. The basic crunch is probably the best known exercise for the abdominal muscles, and most people are familiar with it. You need to lie on your back, and put your hands behind your head - this is how you begin. This exercise basically includes lifting your shoulder blades toward your chest off the floor. Never move your legs while you are in motion. One other exercise focuses on the rectus abdominis muscles. It is called the reverse crunch which targets the lower abdominal muscle group. You simply bring your knees toward your chest at a 90? angle, raising both the shoulders and the hips. So if you really want to build your abs, regular and reverse crunches can definitely help. Remember not to do too many of these exercises - your results will not increase or improve by doing more.

Doing too many exercises for the abs can be as bad as doing too few. The idea that doing twice as many sets of something is going to yield twice the results isn't necessarily true. It's common, for example, for people to spend an entire workout at the gym doing abs exercises at the expense of other body parts. Not only does this mean your workout isn't going to be balanced, but even your abs don't respond well to this approach. You also have to do a certain amount of cardio training if fat loss is something you're working on. You should incorporate exercise such as crunches and using abdominal machines, but don't do more of these than any other type of exercise.

If there's one exercise that everyone should add to their abdominal routine, it's the plank. This is a strength building exercise for your whole core and is one well worth doing. Keep your hands and arms on the floor or mat in the start-off position, with your face down. Raise your body up onto your toes and elbows, keeping your back and rear end flat. Hold for as long as you can, building up to sixty seconds and then lower yourself to the ground. As with any exercise, it doesn't matter where you start, but if you practice you'll be able to hold the position longer. Don't let yourself get overwhelmed by all the different systems and theories regarding abs workouts. As long as you consistently exercise in a way that combines aerobics and strength training, and target your abs as well, you'll see results. Doing a few good basic abs exercises such as planks, crunches and the bicycle will do a lot for your abs, as long as you also have good eating habits.

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