Why The Deadlift Is So Important - And How To Perform It Safely

By Arnold Sylvester

When it comes to fitness, most people are a little bit overwhelmed at the sheer confusion surrounding certain exercises and their benefits. Learning how to deadlift should be a priority for anyone with serious ambitions inside the gym, such is the great power it holds.

However, it remains a very underestimated move which is often ignored or, even worse, people are advised not to perform it for fear of causing damage to their physique.

There is not a shred of evidence which states that you should not do this exercise or that it will cause physical damage.

We don't recommend attempting this move without first properly learning how to do it, of course. There are a few golden rules to teaching perfect form on this exercise. They are documented for you just below:

* Keep your feet set underneath the bar.

* Be sure to only adopt a twenty degree bend in the knee, no further is necessary.

* Hinge forwards at the waist as you lower yourself to pick up the bar.

* Ensure your back remains straight.

* Use an overhand or underhand grip on the bar.

* Push through the heels as you raise the load.

* As you begin to rise up, bring your hips forward to align your body in to one straight line.

* At the top of the move, your lower back should be slightly extended, chest out proud.

If you follow all eight steps above you will learn the perfect technique for getting the most out of this very powerful exercise. Better still, you will do it with perfect form which always ensures better results.

Let's look at some aspects of the move in a bit more detail now.

Most people make the crucial mistake of squatting as they perform this exercise. Avoid this by limiting the bend in your knees to 20 degrees, no more.

Experimenting with your grip can also return great gains, so get creative with the various hand positions as you gain familiarity with the techniques above. Keeping your back straight is the difficult part, but if you can focus on pushing your shoulders back at the peak of the repetition you will eliminate this issue altogether.

Another key mistake which is often made is to push through the toes instead of the heels. This would cause you to fall off balance. Keeping your center of gravity over the heels is so important, we cannot stress it enough.

Figuring out how to lose weight often leads people down a blind path of confusion, but proven techniques and exercises are beyond a shadow of a doubt the most effective ways to build a better body. Learning how to deadlift properly should be one of the first things on your agenda before you hit the gym for your next workout session.

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