Whos Got It Better Than Us Today

By Tamika Powell

It might be easy to see whos got it better than us in many ways. While traveling around the globe common people who live on this planet may notice that the rich keep getting richer while the poor keep on struggling. In America there is a group called the one percent who dominant all of the money. While these people have everything there are still others who take life very easy.

The very famous political figures of the world lead a very charmed life that is not too complicated. They will spend the tax payers dollars on many foolish things that really serve no purpose to the world. A working individual rarely crosses their mind when they go into chambers in order to make all of the very important decisions.

These people will be the guest at many of the Hollywood parties that are given and they will take full advantage of these events. While they are away on business meetings certain services will be provided for them. Many of these men enjoy the company of paid escorts who will keep everything private between the two of them.

The press are always helpful in covering up any sexual scandals that go on in the state of Washington. The main people in control never allow anything to come to light that will make their politician look bad while the common person is usually exposed for everything bad he/she does. A politician living in America certainly lives a great life.

Felines and dogs live a very comfortable life without having to worry about bills or anything that requires money. Domestic animals living in these United States are greatly loved by their owners and they are well taken care of. These pets enjoy life and all the rewards that go along with it. These animals are given plenty to eat and they may even have a large backyard to run around in sometimes.

The common cat only needs help from people when he/she wants to eat. Humans provide these animals with great meals that they cannot easily obtain on the street. The life of a cat can be very easy since they can jump tremendous heights and have the ability to squeeze into any small openings. They are magical animals who quite often fend for themselves.

Dogs on the other hand are very childlike and they will need someones attention constantly. They live a very easy life when they are with the right owner. When these animals wag their tails with delight any pet owner will do anything for them. These animals will spend most of their day chasing their tails, eating and sleeping.

Rich children are also included on the list of whos got it better than us. If you are a child of an actor or rich businessman then life will be very good. These individuals never have to think about future employment or finishing their education since their parents will provide everything for them. Later in life they will take over the company that their parents created and things will continue to be easy for them.

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