Senior Citizens! It's Never Too Late to Get Fit

By Julie Alejandro

It goes without saying that the quality of your life and your health and well-being all depend on how fit you are. The machine age has created a population of people who are inactive and lazy. You shouldn't allow you to settle into a passive lifestyle. You will pay for this laziness later. You don't have to train like a star athlete just to become fit, and you don't have to devote hours and hours to exercise each day. In fact, the opposite is true; a simple, basic exercise plan won't take much of your time.

A no-frills workout program won't take a lot of time. In fact, you may even surprise yourself once you see what begins to happen after you put an exercise plan into place. You will be so excited when you see your improvement, that you will be motivated to increase your exercise.

Most people have a hard time following through on the exercise programs that they begin. The top reason cited is usually the motivation factor and how to keep from becoming bored. One way to prevent that from happening is to choose a program that is right for you. What you do needs to be a workout, and that is most important. Eliminating stress can be done easily by adding exercise, which doesn't need to be any more than an after dinner walk. Start something slowly and work up to more intense things, and you will have a less chance of giving up.

Life for most people eventually gets busy, hectic, and totally out of control. This is the time you need to start a fitness program, but you are probably lost. Exercising for life will give you tremendous benefits to your health, and there is no debate about it. Somehow you need to fit exercise into your schedule when you are busy. Nobody has a schedule that is too busy that they can't find a few minutes to going walking, even if it is only around the block. If you can't get in a walk, say you are on a business trip, you can at least do some calisthenics. At least three times a week, you should be able to spare at least twenty minutes.

Fitness as a family will only begin when both parents see it as something important. You know how important it is for kids to see their parents walking the walk instead of just talking. If you want results, you need to talk things over as a family and listen to the children's input. Getting into shape as a family can be fun, so it needs to be decided with everyone having input. When you choose to exercise as a family, the health benefits will be great. Communication and togetherness will be encouraged by doing something together. The medical profession has been telling us for years that it is never too late to do something about our fitness level and health. Have you ignored your indoor cycling fitness for a long time and now you are extremely out of shape? Start a fitness regimen with a friend. Really, it's a great idea to have your spouse or a friend work out with you. Your exercise periods can double as social occasions and you will find that it is a lot easier if you have someone to talk to while you exercise. Maybe you prefer to exercise alone. If so, than that's great. The main goal is to have some kind of exercise pattern in place. You can even start small with taking walks around the block along with exercises you can do in your home.

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