Ways to Make Some Time for Exercising?

By Andrew van Ness

It seems like everyone is busy these days. The average American works more hours than any other resident of an modern country. This only adds extra tension on every other area of life too from family to nutrition to fitness and exercise.

We eat fast food because it's quick and convenient in a point when all of us are exhausted and knackered from work. We infrequently spend a little time with our families and connect as deeply with the people we love as we are always hurrying to make progres on the ever-increasing task list. And we frequently defer fitness and health in favor of temporary and instant comfort.

But that's not how to live your life. That isn't how many of us imagined our lives unfolding.

Odds are you are exasperated with your life. You are worn to the bone. You are fed up. And you do not really believe you have any spare time for exercising and fitness.

Well, you're wrong.

The way to make time is to turn something into a habit.

When something is a habit, you don't have to motivate yourself to do it. You don't have to muster up the willpower to do it. You simply do it.

There is not any effort involved.

It's a little like how you simply wake up on Monday morning and go to work regardless of whether or not you feel like it. You don't have to muster up the motivation to go to work. You simply do it. And that is the way in which you need to look at your fitness conditioning (or anything else that is important to you in your life). You treat it like a habit and just unconsciously do it without trying to build up the motivation. Eliminate choice from the equation and commit to doing it.

Just make your ring workout part of your routine.

Folks have an exceedingly small amount of willpower and dicipline. We have got a lot less than we think that we do. This means that if you actually want to do something on a regular basis, you have got to make it a habit. You need to just do it on auto-pilot without thinking about it.

I'm of the opinion that it may seem like you are already pushed to the max, but time to be fair here. How much of the time you spend being "busy" is actually just a kind of procrastination or laziness?

If you can increase your real productive time by habitualizing other areas of your life, you'll be able to turn fitness into a habit too. The great majority of people do not have a time management problem, they've an energy and efficency problem.

Take breaks throughout the day to help recenter yourself so that you can keep your energy from slipping so you can keep productive, consequently opening up more time to do other more critical things in your life. You'll probably also find that you have more energy when you take the time to exdercise and take care of your body.
If fitness is truly something you value, then prove it by turning it into a habit that you practice consistently.

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