So Much More Is Available At A Tobacco Shop

By Maryanne Goff

The discount tobacco store on the corner or local strip mall provides cigarettes, pipe tobacco, cigars, and smokeless tobacco. There are people though who want a different experience. If you want something with a variety or will suit your desire, then discover your local tobacco shop.

A smoker can find traditional brands of cigarettes in addition to loose leaf for rolling their own, (RYO). The second option has been growing in popularity over the past few years. When buying supplies, the customers know what they will be smoking because they can see it in its loose form.

You might ask why make your own. One of the reasons stated by people who prefer to roll their own are the cost involved. Also, they do not like the fillers and chemicals used in prepackaged brands. They enjoy being able to develop their own blends that fit their preferences and moods. The hand rolled variety is stronger so they do not smoke as many.

Those who do not want to deal with rolling the cigarettes can find tubes at most specialty tobacco shops. The tubes can be purchased with the filter attached or without a filter. They are made of cigarette paper and may also be flavored. Filters are available flavored, in menthol, or charcoal. Someone wanting to try RYO should be able to find everything they need including instruction at an establishment.

Pipe smoking, is an old tradition across the world. Long established are the boutiques or businesses where loose leaf can be purchased. For years a person who enjoys a good smoke would purchase blends that are already packaged. Also found are specialty establishments where the blends are mixed on the premises by a master blender. The customer also has the ability to view and smell the tobacco before hand and create their own special blend.

Cigar stores and lounges have also grown in popularity. In addition to carrying a wide variety of smokes, some now combine a bar, restaurant, or nightclub with available brands of cigars listed on a menu. A cigar aficionado can still find a traditional store where the employees are experts and eager to assist the new or experienced smoker with choices.

Lounges are popular because part of the enjoyment from smoking a cigar in comfortable surroundings with others. Relaxing in comfortable chairs, watching sports or other shows on a wide screen, discussing local politics, enjoying a game of chess, or just chatting all contribute to the experience. However, State laws determine if smoking on the property is legal so do not assume your local shop has a smoking area. If your state does not allow smoking in a shop, you will probably be able to find a private cigar club or enjoy at home with friends.

There are many different types of smoking enjoyment available. Find a tobacco shop that offers more than just cigarettes, pipe tobacco, and cigars. If you smoke cigarettes you might be interested in RYO. Pipe smokers may want to find a local business where the blends are mixed by hand on the premises. Cigar smokers can discover different flavors and strengths also at a local Cigar shop.

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