Abcs Of The Playground Games

By Mayra Pierce

Chimpanzees and other primates have the ability to use representations, for example, some use verbal communication as part of a form of symbolic play. Games played by chimpanzees have the same characteristics as that of all mammals. The emergence of symbolic play occurs exclusively in human children, along with the symbolic language that is intrinsically inherent to their God given nature(the playground games).

Games are a right. According to Declaration of Rights of Child, adopted by the UN General Assembly, The child shall have full opportunity for play and recreation, which should be directed to same purposes as education; society and the public authorities shall endeavor to promote the enjoyment of this right. Game is not only a form of entertainment but also the best way of learning, children learn to cope with various situations they will face throughout their lives.

Game of marbles (fingernail ball) are excellent examples of children's game with rules, they are playable by 6 years of age. In history of human species, formal game appeared as a result of sedentary need for mental and physical development. In formal game the object of each game is defined and governed by the rules themselves, not representations. Thanks to this ability to set rules and play within the species has been able to build key game such as democracy, religion and science.

They are considered a free for all activity: a voluntary pastime, no one is forced to play. The concept resides in a space with few limitations and in a pre-established time constraints. Games have an uncertain character, they function as a creative, spontaneous and original activity, the outcome of each game fluctuates, which motivates the presence of pleasant uncertainty that captivates us all.

Game takes place in a separate fictional world, it like a game narrated action, away from everyday life, a continuous symbolic message. It a conventional activity, because every game the result of social contract established by the players, who designed game and determine its internal order, its limitations.

Expanding the memory and attention by stimuli that are generated. Foster runout thought. Develop imagination and creativity and the distinction between fantasy and reality. Promote the development of language and abstract thought. Game plays in mammals. Mammals play to learn. In fact the main feature of game is to learn.

Game universal, ie, that people of all cultures have always played. Many game are repeated in most societies. It present in history of mankind despite the difficulties at certain times to play, and the first industrial societies. Evolves according to age of players and has different characteristics depending on the culture in which it studied.

Game is synonymous with pleasure, fun, gaiety, entertainment, but also plays the child to discover, know, know others and their environment. In non-social animals play occurs mainly during childhood as a means of psychomotor learning or experimentation and in adulthood as a behavior related to reproduction. In gregarious animals kept these play behaviors and associated social game to acquisition of status, establishing roles and add group relationship.

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